College Recruiting
Have questions about players, colleges, and recruiting?
One of my many goals and greatest accomplishments is helping girls over the years reach their athletic goals and naviagte the world of college athletics.
I truly believe that there is spot for anyone to play at the college level. It takes work both ON the court and OFF the court and knowledge on the intricacies of college athletics and scholarship.
I can assist with:
Video recording & creation for Skills Video to send to recruiters
Head shots & other photos
High School Highlight Reel Creation
Interview Prep 101
Marketing Yourself
Guidance on the recuriting & scholarship process
Point of contact so college coaches can contact you without violating NCAA rules
Opportunity to talk through questions, offers, the entire process
The cost is customized based on you and what you need in order to accomplish your goals, so let’s chat and find out how I can help.
To get started, fill out the form below and we can set up a session. Once your date + time has been confirmed, I will send you a meeting planner that includes a questionnaire, contract, and invoice via venmo or paypal.